The team at e-Placement Scotland are excited to announce our first online careers fair, which takes place 1pm-4pm, on Wednesday 28th February.
If you are an employer looking to reach a large group of tech candidates in a short space of time, without having to spend time out of the office travelling, then book your place here. We’re restricting this event to 15 employers, so best be quick. Candidates will be from a range of Scottish universities, studying IT disciplines including software engineering, computing science, electronics engineering, data science, networking, and IT business management.
Read on to find out more about the event, and the benefits of our brand new format.
About the event
A partnership event with GoIntro, we are utilising the latest in recruitment technology to make employer > candidate connecting as simple and cost-effective as possible. In its simplest form, GoIntro provides quality 1 to 1 video and live chat software, which automates the process of speaking to / interviewing relevant candidates. Exhibitors can have multiple hosts, so you can maximise the time available.
Further benefits include:
- Easy follow ups – built in functionality to follow up with interested candidates there and then
- Pre-screening
- View candidate profiles in real time
- Track ROI / analytics – access invaluable data and participant feedback to show the ROI of exhibiting
- Easy sign up for future events through our alerts system
- Data capture, so you don’t lose touch with candidates
Learn more –
Book now
For further information, don’t hesitate to contact Jamie Duncan, Employer Engagement – / 01506472200.